30 Oct Lassi with Lavina – 28 October 2018 – “The Peruvian Dancer Whose Heart is Indian”
Recently things came full circle when Ananga herself came to New York and performed at the Indian Consulate along with her student Nandini Chakravorty, amazing audiences with how the beauty of Bharatanatyam had flowered in Peru.
Spirituality is a big part of Bharatanatyam and while explaining the poems and philosophy, Ananga tries to convey the connection with emotions to her students who may not be Hindu: “We try to find connections with their own culture and tradition. To teach principles and meditation helps students a lot not only in dance, but in general and that is our happiness!”
Indeed, it is all about sharing: Says Ananga, “To trust each other and give respect is most important. I think that makes a stronger community without judging where we come from, what is our tradition, economy or spiritual beliefs. As a teacher I think is my responsibility to think how to make them understand Bharatanatyam with respect to their lives and beliefs.”
To read the full article visit: https://www.lassiwithlavina.com/features/dance/bharatanatyam-dancer-from-peru-a-love-story/html
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